Wydajność procesu zapewniamy już od samego początku – od produktów czyszczących Sika po kleje premium. Specjaliści od wymiany szyb samochodowych korzystają z doskonale opracowanych procedur oraz dobrze dopasowanych produktów

Bezpieczeńswo bez kompromisów

Sika jest ekspertem w dziedzinie klejenia szyb samochodowych. Od roku 1980 jesteśmy dostawcą
i partnerem produkcyjnym dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego.

Oferujemy produkty do stosowania na gorąco, na zimno, niewymagające podkładu oraz preparaty do obróbki wstępnej podczas wymiany szyb samochodowych. Każdy produkt ma inny minimalny czas gotowości do jazdy (MDAT), aby spełnić określone potrzeby montażystów, zapewniając jednocześnie bezpieczeństwo właścicielom pojazdów.

Wszystkie systemy klejów samochodowych do szyb frmy Sika zostały sprawdzone w próbach zderzeniowych i przewyższają rygorystyczne wymagania federalnych norm bezpieczeństwa (FMVSS 212)

Fitting of auto glass in a garage

Często zadawane pytania

Co zrobić, gdy Sika®Cleaner G+P zamarza?
  • Move the installation to a warmer place
  • Clean the glass in the warehouse before leaving for the mobile installation
  • Perform a dry cleaning of the bond line with Sika®Cleaner PCA
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Dlaczego warto stosować Sika®Cleaner G + P zamiast alkoholu lub zwykłych środków do czyszczenia szkła?
  • Alcohol can react with the polyurethane and block the reactive groups which affect the curing and adhesion build up.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy mogę rozcieńczyć Sika® Cleaner G+P?
  • It is not recommended to dilute chemical products as compatibility is not guaranteed and the composition is designed to achieve best performance already.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jak długo będą działać podkłady i aktywatory po otwarciu?
  • All Sika Activators and Primers have a reduced shelf life when opened. With proper storage conditions, they will remain usable up to 2-4weeks (see PDS) after opening, or until the expiration date, whichever comes first. Always tightly reseal both the inner liner and outer cap after each use. If the product becomes thick or cloudy, or inhomogeneous, immediately discard according to the information provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy Sika® Aktivator PRO może być stosowany w wilgotnych warunkach?
  • Yes, Sika® Aktivator PRO can be used in damp conditions, e.g. on windshields with a light misting of condensation. (In this application, ‘damp’ refers to any humid condition where larger water droplets are NOT visible, either as pooled condensation or as spots of rain). However, it is better if the part is dried first.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jeśli minął czas aktywności Sika® Aktivator PRO, czy można ponownie wykonać proces aktywacji?
  • Yes. It is OK to apply Sika® Aktivator PRO up to three times onto the bonding surface. It is important that the surface is clean and activated. You can tell if the surface has been activated when it has a shimmery aspect to it. If you are uncertain it is better to re-apply Sika® Aktivator PRO.  
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Dlaczego nie zaleca się stosowania tamponów z Sika® Aktivator PRO?
  • Sika® Aktivator PRO performs a cleaning function, as well as an activating function. Application with a dauber simply moves dirt around and does not clean it off. Daubers apply too much product, which is unnecessary and wasteful.
  • They can become dirty and contaminate the activator if they are dipped in the bottle several times.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Dlaczego należy wstrząsać Sika®Primer-207?
  • Shaking primers mixes the solids that may have settled at the bottom of the bottle and ensures a thin, uniform mixture and coverage. All manufacturer’s primers containing solids should be shaken before use.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy mogę rozcieńczać zgęstniały/zżelowany Sika®Primer-207?
  • If the viscosity of the primer gets high, NEVER use thinners or solvents to dilute the product as the higher viscosity is an indication of lower reactivity.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Co się stanie w przypadku nałożenia zbyt grubej warstwy Sika® Primer-207?
  • Applying a thick layer of Sika® Primer-207 results in a longer flash-off time. But if applied as corrosion protection on bare metal it is recommended that two thick layers of Sika® Primer-207 be applied for long lasting protection
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy dostępny jest produkt do usuwania Sika® Primer-207 z części wewnętrznych?
  • Sika® Primer-207 can be cleaned using Sika® Remover-208 or Sika® Handwipes tissues as long as it has not cured completely. Once cured, it must be removed mechanically.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy Sika® Aktivator PRO lub Sika® Primer-207 zawiera jakieś agresywne składniki, które mogłyby uszkodzić powierzchnie?
  • Sika® Aktivator PRO and Sika® Primer-207 contain reactive components which react chemically with glass, paint and other materials. Once cured, they can only be removed mechanically and the upper layer of the substrate is damaged in the process. Care must be taken to apply Sika® Aktivator PRO only to the required areas. If the product is applied to the transparent area of the glass, it will be visible and the customer will have cause for complaint.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Czy można zastosować Sika®Primer-207 do imitacji nadruku ceramicznego na szybie float w celu ochrony przed promieniowaniem UV?
  • To ensure a durable bond, transparent windshields must be surface-protected against UV. Sika® UV Shielding Tape or trims can be used in cases where no protection is given. Sika Primer (and most glass primers from other manufacturers) are organic materials and will be destroyed by UV radiation within a very short time and therefor provide no durable protection.

Possible solutions are:

  • Suitable print color.
  • Protective metal or opaque plastic trim
  • .Sika® UV Shielding Tape.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jaka jest minimalna temperatura podczas wymiany szyby?
  • Sika’s products are intended for use at temperatures between +5°C and +35°C. For all other conditions Sika has special hot and cold weather recommendations. While a job can be carried out at -10°C, there is a question of adequate dexterity with cold hands. It may be too cold to carry out the job to a suitable professional standard. In this case, the job should be deferred.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jak długo trzeba odczekać przed umyciem auta po wymianie przedniej szyby?
  • Soaps and cleaning helps can influence the curing negatively and frameless glasses are sensitive to water pressure and air dryer as they could damage the fresh skin of the urethane, therefore a waiting time of 24h is needed (not needed if installed with Powercure System)
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Po wycięciu przedniej szyby ścieżka starego kleju PUR zawierała wiele małych pęcherzyków. Jak można temu zapobiec?
  • The PUR adhesive releases carbon dioxide while curing. If the adhesive bead is heated during curing, the gas is released more quickly which can result in small bubbles dispersed throughout the bead. This can happen if the car is parked with the windshield exposed to sunlight on a warm day. Parking the car in the shade will prevent this problem.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jak wkleić szybę przednią do konstrukcji nadwozia FRP?
  • If the old PU is still in place the standard procedure can be followed
  • If you bond directly to FRP use abrasive pad to scuff the surface, Sika®Cleaner G+P to and apply Sika®Primer-207
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Jak wklejać szybę w świeżo malowanym pojeździe?
  • New paints are difficult to bond as they are developed to be self-cleaning and repellent
  • Allow the paint to properly cure first (24h)
  • Use abrasive pad to scuff the surface, Sika®Cleaner G+P to clean and apply Sika®Primer-207
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Dlaczego podkład nie zwilża powierzchni odpowiednio?
  • If the surface tension of a substrate is insufficient the primer will show wetting issues on the surface. This is mostly known from non-traditional contaminations present on ceramic frits.
  • Remove and clean (Sika®Cleaner PCA), or use glass fit for purpose.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Mimo czyszczenia za pomocą Sika®Cleaner PCA powierzchnia trudno się zwilża
  • The use of dry Sika®Cleaner PCA increases cleaning efficiency as the glass cleaner can act as a lubricant.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
Can I use products of other suppliers in combination with Sika adhesives or pre-treatments?
  • To mix product from different suppliers is not allowed as compatibility is not ensured.
  • Performance and composition of competitor products are not in our control and can change easily without notice.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019
What is the maximum open time of Sika®Primer-207
  • The maximum open time is depending on many environmental factors
  • High temperatures will shorten the time and dirt and dust will have a negative influence, therefore we recommend in Automotive Glass Replacement applications to clean and repeat the chemical treatment after 2h.
Opublikowane: 08/05/2019

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